SINCE 2008.
St. Vincent’s School is run by the Sisters of Daughters of Charity. St. Vincent de Paul, the father and founder of the Daughters of Charity is the patron of the School. He is a man for Yesterday, today and tomorrow and His vision is our Mission and our vision is from his mission. His great love for the poor and needy, dedication in the up-liftment of the down trodden and the great example his life has set, ignites minds of many even after centuries. That is why he is named as the universal patron of all charitable works. Sharing the great Legacy of our founder, we the Daughters of Charity are committed to bring up the life situations of the poor and the needy by imparting better education to the children and inculcating values into their lives.
St. Vincent’s school had its humble beginning in the year 2008 with 35 children, having motto of “LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE”. The pressing request from the parents and the well-wishers, ever since its commencement, we decided to upgrade the classes in 2011. This small institution was privileged to impart knowledge and be part of the educational growth of hundreds of little ones of nearby villages.
The school aims not merely at preparing its pupils to qualify for the board examinations but also achieving excellence in every aspect of educational activity, spiritual, academic, cultural, social and physical by developing their character and personality. Personal guidance and social awareness, thus forming them into the intellectual and civic life of the country.